Sermons from January 2022
Revelation 2:1-7
Jesus challenges the church in Ephesus to be a congregation of great love. The Church must love Christ.
Revelation 1
Seeing and hearing from the Exalted Christ will bless, distress, and comfort His people.
GO: Matthew 28:18-20
Go: With universal authority, Jesus gave His Church a mission and told us what it would look like.
GROW: Ephesians 4:15-16
Grow: The whole church body grows in Christ likeness as each member is equipped to properly work by speaking the truth in love.
GATHER: Hebrews 10:24-25
Gather: God has designed us to need community. Community allows us to experience life trans-forming grace, protects us from the hardening and deceitfulness of sin and spurs us on toward love and good deeds.