Philippians 1:9-11

Philippians 1:9-11

Overflowing with Discerning Love

Sermon Text: Philippians 1:9-11
Sermon Big Idea: Followers of Christ should pray for one another to overflow with discerning love that produces a pure and blameless life for the glory of God. 

Questions to Reflect On:

  1. Have you experienced God Himself? Or has it just been head knowledge?
  2. Is love a defining mark in your life?
  3. Is your love for other believers a feeling of affection or is it self-sacrificing?
  4. What would God think of your top priorities?
  5. Do you filter your actions and thoughts with the following questions:
    • Does it honor God?
    • Is it excellent?
    • Will it help you follow Jesus?
    • Does this reflect God’s character?
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