Numbers 13:26-33 – Faith Over Fear

Numbers 13:26-33 – Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

Sermon Text: Numbers 13:26-33
Sermon Big Idea:  Living by faith rather than fear leads us to live more purposefully in moving forward in all areas of our life.

Sermon Reflections:

  1. Do you let comfort keep you from doing what God wants you to do?
  2. How does God want to grow you as a follower of Jesus this year?
  3. The Israelites’ fear of the giants led them to disobey God and miss out on God’s blessing of abundant life in the promise land. Are there any areas in your life where fear causes you to disobey God?
  4. What spiritual goal did you set for the next 90 days? Bonus: Find someone in the church family to be accountability partners.