While We Wait (Part 4)
Sermon Text: Philippians 4:14-23
Sermon Big Idea: While we await the Lord’s return, let us learn contentment in Jesus and pursue gospel partnership.
Four fruits of the gospel partnership:
- Frees us from self-interests (vv.15-16)
- Stores up treasures in heaven (vv.17-20)
- Products deep fellowship now (vv.21-22)
- Provides opportunities to rest in the grace of God (v.23)
Sermon Reflections:
- What is your purpose in life?
- How do you participate in the gospel partnership?
- Where is your treasure chest located and what is in it?
- Acts 20:35 says that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Do you say that you believe this, and if so, do your actions support your claims?
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