Advent 2020 – Isaiah 9:6-7

Advent 2020 – Isaiah 9:6-7

The Guarantee of Peace

Sermon Text: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Big Idea:  Jesus’ birth guarantees the Kingdom of Peace because of Who He is.

Sermon Reflections:

  1. Do the wind and the sea obey God better than you? If so, what steps should you take to obey the Lord? And will you?
  2. Do you live like a practical atheist through a life marked by fear, anxiety or lack of prayer? 
  3. What areas of your life are you worried about where you need to relinquish control to the Prince of Peace?
  4. In what ways are the “increase of His government” happening in your life and family?
  5. Which of the four throne names is most meaningful to you and why?
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